Life-Long Immunity - No Such Thing

Life-Long Immunity – No Such Thing

It is indeed a fact that for most children who develop measles, chicken pox, rubella or any of the other common childhood infections, they will never experience these same infections again. However, I do not accept the belief or the assumption, that this is because such infections confer life-long immunity against having them again.

Measles, chicken pox, rubella and the other childhood infections represent an acute crisis of toxic elimination. In order for the body to mount an acute crisis there must be a large reserve of vitality which most children possess. Unfortunately, by the time most children grow to adulthood, this reserve of vitality has been greatly diminished, due largely to poor eating habits, drugs, vaccines, chemical poisons in food and water, atmospheric pollutants and the depressing effects of fear, worry and other negative emotions. By adulthood, few adults have sufficient vitality left to mount an acute crisis such as measles or chicken pox.

Life-Long Immunity - No Such Thing

Although adults can still experience a crisis of elimination, it is more often in the form of a cold or flu which generally does not involve fever and can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. For those adults who are diagnosed with measles, whooping cough, chicken pox etc, it will often be found that their fever is two to three degrees below what a child’s fever would be if experiencing the same infection. This is due to the adults lower vitality state.

For those children whose vitality remains strong and where there is no history of drug suppression, then there is no physiological reason why such children cannot experience measles, chicken pox or any of the other childhood infections on more than one occasion should their toxicity level exceed their body’s toxic threshold. Indeed, Herbert Shelton, the most renowned Natural Hygienist of the 20th century has confirmed from his own clinical experiences, cases of chicken pox, measles etc, occurring in the same child on two, three or even more occasions.

more resources:

Vaccination – A False Premise

Immunity – A Medical Myth

Germs - The Mistaken Enemy

Germs – The Mistaken Enemy

Germs (bacteria and viruses) are everywhere, they are in the air we breathe, in the food we eat, in the water we drink and on everything we touch. We are constantly exposed to germs, yet for most of the time we remain perfectly well. If germs are the cause of disease, then why is it that we are not sick all the time?

If germs are the cause of disease, then why is it that millions of people can carry within them the germs of influenza, tuberculosis, tetanus, staphylococcus infections and many other diseases and yet remain perfectly well? In Europe during the latter part of the 19th century, virtually all city dwellers were infected with the tuberculosis germs, yet only a tiny proportion succumbed to the disease. The New England Journal of Medicine reports that over 25 million Americans are infected with the herpes virus, yet only a minority of these develop the genital sores associated with herpes. During the polio epidemics of the 1950’s, millions of people carried the polio virus, but again, only a fraction (less than 1%) developed the disease.

Germs - The Mistaken Enemy

If germs are the cause of disease, then how is it that in many diseases supposedly caused by a specific germ, that germ is not present? Sir William Osler, one of the most renowned physicians of his time claimed that the diphtheria germ was absent in 28 to 40% of diphtheria cases. According to Green’s Medical Diagnosis, the tuberculosis germ is often absent in the early stages of tuberculosis. Medical researchers have noted that many cases of AIDS have occurred in people with no trace of the AIDS virus. Now if you can develop the disease without the germ, then how can the germ be the cause?

Professor Rene Dubos, the most renowned microbiologist of his time and referred to by the Scientific American as one of the most influential ecological thinkers of the 20th century rejected the germ theory and went so far as to say “Viruses and bacteria are not the sole cause of infectious disease, there is something else.”